Lovely 3BR 2.5BA Bayside-built home sits near the top of the attractive well maintained Hunter Hill III Neighborhood. Centrally located with easy access to the villages of Centerville, West Barnstable, Marstons Mills and Hyannis. There are hardwood floors throughout the first floor, which include the dining room, living room great room and kitchen. A fantastic 20'x13' sun room allows you to enjoy the bright beauty of the day in the comfortable confines of your Cape Cod home. Three bedrooms on the second floor. The primary BR has a private bath and an adjoining large office/ exercise/ sitting room. Plenty of great spaces to live, relax, and entertain. The active neighborhood association that maintains the common grounds, decorates throughout the holidays, and encourages participation in rotating block parties. Great for walking yourself and/or your pets. The house has had one owner who lovingly cared for the home and property. It now needs someone to continue that love.

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Listed by John S. Loucks of Kinlin Grover Compass

Listing Sold by Today Real Estate, Inc.

Property Details of 12 Stallion Way

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