Living in the Wings Neck Trust is like living in your own private paradise! Where else can you enjoy two private beaches, bicycling, hiking or running through the placid streets and tranquil woods, learning to sail at Buzzards Sailing School, kayaking around Bassett's Island and playing tennis or pickle ball with family and friends? This beautiful home was built by the current owners with thoughts of summer living in the outdoors. Nestled into the woods, the features include the cathedral ceilings, hardwood floors, skylights, palladian windows, the fabulous screened porch, four decks and three floors of living. With over 2500 square feet, this 4 bedroom 3.5 bathroom home is sited in the middle of the Wings Neck Trust on over 3 acres! Walk to North Beach or cross the street and take the path to South Beach, docks and yacht club! Tennis and pickle ball courts are just down the street. This is the perfect setting to create your own cherished traditions in this haven of tranquility!

Listing Tools

Listed by Priscilla Geraghty of Rand Atlantic,Inc.

Listing Sold by Rand Atlantic, Inc.

Property Details of 322 Wings Neck Road

Property Details

Interior Features

Utilities and Appliances


Map Location

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